R.M. Soebandiman
Dirdjoatmodjo is the founder of the National Silat Indonesia Family
Shield, sport martial arts organization which is a member of IPSI
(Indonesian Pencak Silat Association), the parent organization of
official martial arts in Indonesia under the auspices of the KONI
(Indonesian National Sports Committee). Family
Silat Indonesian National Shield or abbreviated Kelatnas Indonesia
Shield is one of 10 universities martial arts awarded College
Historical Pencak Silat due to contribute and influence on the
historical development of the IPSI and martial arts in general in the
early era IPSI formation.
R.M. Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo born in Yogyakarta on January 8, 1913 in the palace Paku Alam. He was the first son of R.M. Pakoe Soedirdjo, great-grandfather of Paku Alam II. Since
the age of 9 years she has been able to master the science of martial
arts in the palace that gets the confidence to train his friends in the
area Paku Alaman. In addition to martial arts he also studied dance at the Palace Paku Alam making friends with Wasi and Bagong Kussudiardja.
A pair of flowers, the symbol of the Indonesian National Silat Family Shield.
R.M. Soebandiman
Dirdjoatmodjo that in his childhood called by name Soebandiman or
Bandiman by his friends this was not satisfied with the martial arts
that he had learned in the palace of the Paku Alaman. Because want to improve the science of silat, After finishing HIK
(Hollands Inlandsche Kweekschool) or teacher training school, he left
Yogyakarta to wander without bringing any provision on foot.
The first place he visited was Jombang, East Java. There he studied martial arts at KH Hasan Basri, while religious and other knowledge gained from boarding school Tebuireng. In addition to learning, she also worked in the Sugar Peterongan to finance his purposes. After undergoing hard gemblengan smoothly and considered, he returned to the west. Solo until he learned martial arts at Sayid Sahab. He also studied kanuragan his grandfather, Ki Jogosurasmo.
He was still not satisfied to increase knowledge silat. The next goal is Semarang, here he studied martial arts at Soegito of flow Faithful Brothers. Followed by studying kanuragan in Pondok Randu Scissors Semarang. Big curiosity in martial arts made the RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo still not satisfied with what he has. From there he headed Cirebon after transit in Kuningan. Here he learned martial arts and kanuragan again did not get enough to always draw knowledge from various teachers. In addition he also learned silat silat Minangkabau and Aceh.
Determination to combine and process a variety of science that he learned to make him not tire of studying. Switching her teacher means learning new things and increase knowledge he feels less. He was sure, if everything is done properly and based on good intentions, then God will guide to achieve its goals. He began to draw on his own martial arts. R.M. Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo then settled in Parakan and open universities Eka Kalbu parried by the name, which means one heart.
In the midst of training, he met with a Chinese fighter wing Siauw martial Liem Sie (Shaolinshi), Yap Kie San name. Yap Kie San is one of the grandchildren pupil Louw Djing Tie through Tik Tjay alias Hoo Suthur. According
to historical records, Louw Djing Tie is a legendary fighter in the
martial world, both in China and in Indonesia, and one of the major
figures of Chinese kung fu martial carrier to Indonesia. In the martial world, Louw Djing Tie dubbed the Golden Garuda Si Liem Siauw Pay. Currently students Louw Djing Tie successor in Indonesia Garuda Emas kungfu continuing education.
R.M. Soebandiman
Dirdjoatmodjo which to prosecute a science regardless of age and
ethnicity and study the martial arts originating from the monastery
Siauw Liem (Shaolin) from Yap Kie San for 14 years. He was accepted as a student is not in the normal way but through battle friendships with students Yap Kie San. See talent R.M. Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo, Yap Kie San moved to accept as a pupil.
Various trials and gemblengan he lived diligently until it finally reached the top martial arts training from Yap Kie San. Pupils Yap Kie San could hold only six people, among which there are two people who are not Chinese, namely RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo and R. Brotosoetarjo who later founded the college martial Bima (Culture Indonesia Mataram). With the stock obtained during go abroad and combined with martial arts Siauw Sie Liem received from Yap Kie San, RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo began to formulate a science that has mastered it.
Once satisfied to go abroad, he returned to his native land, Yogyakarta. Ki Hajar Dewantara still uncle asks RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo teach martial arts in the College Park Students in Wirogunan. In the midst of busy teaching martial at Taman Siswa, RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo get a job as Magazijn Meester in the Sugar Plered.
Rashid Anies Baswedan, Ph.D. (Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs), Sri Sultan
Hamengkubuwono X and Maj (Ret) Eddie Marzuki Nalapraya at the Student
Silat Championship Shield II in Jakarta in 2015.
In 1947 in Yogyakarta, R.M. Soebandiman
Dirdjoatmodjo appointed servants in the Ministry of Education and
Culture, Section of Pencak Silat, which is headed by Mochammad Djoemali.
Based on his mission to develop martial arts, RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo open martial arts courses through service to the public. He was also asked to teach at the Students Cultural Association, a student activity unit UGM (Universitas Gadjah Mada). His students are UGM students at the beginning of the establishment of the campus. R.M. Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo also opened a martial arts course in his office. Some students R.M. Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo the time of which is Ir. Dalmono, Prof. Dr. Suyono Hadi and R.M. Bambang Moediono Probokusumo that in the family environment parried Shield nicknamed Mas Wuk.
1954 R.M. Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo seconded to the East Java Provincial Cultural Office, Affairs Pencak Silat. His
students in Yogyakarta, whether practicing at UGM and outside UGM,
merge into one container HPPSI (Association of Indonesian Pencak Silat
fans), chaired by Ir. Dalmono.
In 1955 he officially moved offices to the city of Surabaya. With the same task, which was to develop and disseminate the martial arts as a culture of Indonesia, RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo open martial arts courses are held at the Cultural Office of East Java, Surabaya. Assisted by Imam Ramelan, he founded the martial arts courses SHIELD YOURSELF on July 2nd, 1955 [1].
Student in Yogyakarta was then adapt them as a named set of martial Shield. On the other hand, college students silat Eka Kalbu ever established by RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo still in touch with him. They are scattered in Banyumas district, Purworejo and Yogyakarta. Only this college then did not evolve, but fused itself to martial Shield, as HPPSI in Yogyakarta. One college teacher makes melting becomes easy.
experience gained during wander and martial arts are mastered Sie Siauw
Liem then pour in the form of a technique in accordance with the needs
and capabilities of the human anatomy, without any element of rape
motion. Everything went naturally and can be proven scientifically. With the motto "Clever Silat Without Injury", parried Shield accepted by all walks of life to learn a martial art.
Dr. Ir. Soetjipto, M.M. (Director of PT Pertamina (Persero)) replaces Ir. Nana Soemindarto as Chairman of the Central Board Kelatnas Indonesia
based on the results of the National Conference Shield Shield Kelatnas
Indonesia XXIII in 2015 in Yogyakarta.
In 1969, students R.M. Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo, Dr. Suparjono, SH, M.Sc., became the staff of Council PB PON VII in Surabaya. With
inspiration from the AD / ART organizations KONI existing ones,
Suparjono together Bambang Moediono Probokusumo, Totok Sumantoro, Mondo
Satrio and Board members Swordsman other in 1970 preparing AD / ART
Shield and the full name of the organization martial Shield approved as Family National Silat Indonesia SHIELD YOURSELF abbreviated Kelatnas Indonesia SHIELD YOURSELF [2]. Also
discussed about the martial arts uniforms Shield standard, which
previously was changed to black and white with the attribute level
changed several times until the last as it is used today. Indonesia Kelatnas Shield emblem is also made of the results of the proposed some pupils RM Soebandiman
Dirdjoatmodjo, namely the proposed picture of Suparjono, Both Sudargo
and Bambang Priyokuncoro, then the proposal of Suparjono elected, then
refined and completed by RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo.
In 1982, R.M. Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo lift 23 of his students became Swordsman. The Swordsman who was appointed directly by the RM Soebandiman is called Swordsman Historical Dirdjoatmodjo. Swordsman Historical amounting to 23 person:
Mat Kusen, of Surabaya.
Dr. Suparjono, S.H., M.Si., of Surabaya.
Drs. Noerhasdijanto, S.H., of Surabaya.
Hari Soejanto, of Surabaya.
F.X. Supi'i, of Surabaya.
Ir. Nanang Soemindarto, of Surabaya.
Prof. Dr. dr. Hari K. Lasmono, M.S., of Surabaya.
Drs. Siaman, of Surabaya.
Prof. Dr. M. Hidajat, Sp.O.T., of Surabaya.
Drs. I Made Suwetja, M.B.A., of Denpasar.
Arnowo Adji, of Tangerang.
Yahya Buari, of Lamongan.
Bambang Soekotjo Maxnoll, of Cimahi.
Tonny S. Kohartono, of Surabaya.
Mondo Satrio Hadi Prakoso, of Surabaya.
Koesnadi, of Surabaya.
Letkol Soegiarto Mertoprawiro, of Serang.
Totok Soemantoro, B.Sc., of Klaten.
Moeljono, of Nganjuk.
Wardjiono, of Jakarta.
Gunawan Parikesit, of Semarang.
I Gusti Ngurah Dilla, of Surabaya.
Ruddy J. Kapojos, of Surabaya.
Dated May 9, 1983, R.M. Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo die facing the Creator [5]. The
responsibility to continue the martial arts training techniques and
Shield switch to the students that has now spread to all corners of the
country and several countries in Europe, America and Australia. With under the coordination of Dr. Ir. Soetjipto,
MM, as Chairman of the Central Board, the current Indonesian Kelatnas
Shield has branches in almost every province in Indonesia and has
commissariat in 10 other countries. To
appreciate his services, in 1986 the government of the Republic of
Indonesia bestowed the title for the RM Main Full Swordsman Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo.
Shield International Championship, international championships are held every two years.
Australia, Indonesia Kelatnas Shield was developed in Brisbane in 1979
by Dadan Muharram, a martial arts trainer Shield of Bandung. Kelatnas
Indonesia Shield is growing rapidly in Australia with branches in
various regions, among which at Tarragindi, Kuraby, Logan, Ashmore,
Burleigh Heads, Springbrook, Maleny, Nambour, Noosaville, Yandina,
Gympie, Townsville, Coffs Harbour, Newcastle, Moruya Heads , Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, etc.
Kelatnas Indonesia Shield also developed in the Netherlands by Ronny
Tjong A-Hung since 1979. Today Kelatnas Indonesia Shield in the
Netherlands has developed a practice in Amsterdam, Hilversum, Maarssen,
Nieuwegein, Utrecht, etc.
In 1983, one of the martial arts coach Otto Soeharjono Shield ie MS move the task to London, England. He founded Kelatnas Indonesia Shield Commissariat United Kingdom and
became a pioneer of PSF UK (Pencak Silat Federation of United Kingdom).
Sudargo, a martial arts warrior Shield who served as the Board of
Development of Sports PB IPSI Pencak Silat, in 1996 commissioned by the
government as Transportation Attache at the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo,
Japan. In
a country known as the center of the world martial arts, he succeeded
in developing martial arts by establishing JAPSA (Japan Pencak Silat
Association). Assisted by Susilo Soedarmadji, he developed Kelatnas Indonesia Shield Commissariat of Japan.
In addition Kelatnas Indonesia Shield also grown up in Germany, Switzerland, Timor-Leste, France, USA, Sweden, etc.
Kelatnas Indonesia Shield has several times held an international
championship event known as the Shield International Championship
(PDIC), namely:
International Invitation Shield I in Semarang in 1991
International Invitation Shield II in Surabaya in 1995
3rd Shield International Championship in London in 2003
Shield 4th International Championship in Yogyakarta in 2005
5th Shield International Championship in Bandung in 2007
Shield 6th International Championship in Jakarta in 2010
7th Shield International Championship in London in 2012
Shield 8th International Championship in London in 2014
This championship event scheduled every two years.